About Me

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I was born to crap something here, I just wanna write, describe, & publish on what I feel, conclude & believe. I have too much stories to tell about me, people around. I live as a normal person like others. This site is my opinions, my right. Sorry if there's contented hurtful msg

Finally, it's a wrap.

"This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. It is, instead, the end of the beginning" - Wnston Churchill.

It's been a long time tak updated blog. Biasa laa lately busy sikit dengan semua commitment for the last time untuk Architecture. Banyak sangat kenangan kalau nak cakap selama 3 tahun study Architecture nie. Sampai tak tertulis kalau nak diceritakan. Oke. kali terakhir melihat bumi Melaka, Kali terakhir bersama kawan-kawan yang selalu ade disamping susah dan senang & for the last time presenting Final Project for Final Portfolio. Its really mean. Memang susah nak ungkapkan macam mane perasaan masa tuh semua. Semuanya bercampur baur. Ade happy moment, ade sadness moment. Semuanya dalam ingatan ini. Memang seronok study Architecture, tapi satu je yang perlu ada dalam diri iaitu jangan pernah Give Up. InshAllah, Allah SWT akan mempermudahkan segalanya. Untuk Junior-junior yang masih lagi study Architecture, kalau ada yang tak tahu and perlukan pertolongan, tanya laa senior-senior korang dulu, jumpa lecture tak pun kene rajin explore sendiri. Akhir kata dari Abang Senior & tak berapa nak Senior sekarang ini best of luck for future, never give up, trust yourself. I'm praying for your success.
"The best person you should ever trust is yourself." Much Love. Double H

Jumpa lagi next post. Assalamualaikum.