About Me

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I was born to crap something here, I just wanna write, describe, & publish on what I feel, conclude & believe. I have too much stories to tell about me, people around. I live as a normal person like others. This site is my opinions, my right. Sorry if there's contented hurtful msg

SPM is coming

Hari nie kaw start Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia SPM 2011 . Good Luck and All The Best dear . I'm praying for your success . Aku pasti kw boleh buat punye . Tak susah mana pown SPM nie , semua orang akan harungi semua nie . so be strong dear . Hari nie jugak birthday kakak kesayangan kaw YUNALIS ZARAI . gempak tak gempak kan tetiba handphone aku berbunyi - Today is Yunalis Zarai Birthday =)) HEHE . oke . Jawab dengan tenang . Doa dari mama dengan abah sentiasa menanti . kan kita dah buat tahlil semalam . HEHE . oke . Good Luck sayang !